Monday, November 23, 2015

The day before surgery

I first want to say that I had the best weekend.  We went to Ohio to watch Michigan State play Ohio State in football with all of our Ohio friends.  For once the Spartans finally beat the Buckeyes!! How sweet victory feels.  An even better feeling is being able to spend time with many of our old neighbors that we love like family.  Can't wait until we can spend time together again.

My day has been a little crazy today.  I just seem a little off.  I'm going to blame it on the fact that I have surgery scheduled tomorrow.  This will be my 4th or 5th surgery so far this year.   In Feburary I had an oopherectomy/hysterectomy due to my BRCA1 status.  Then on May 4th I was suppose to be having a bilateral mastectomy straight to reconstruction surgery.  Things didn't go as planned and I had to get expanders instead, and have had additional surgeries to help make an exchange surgery successful.

So tomorrow I am having a minor outpatient fat graphting surgery.  Like I said, it should be minor, but what I have learned this year is that not everything goes as planned.  I just pray that all will go as planned and that I can be back to work next week.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My thoughts on Posh...

I was introduced to Perfectly Posh through a friend having a Facebook party.  I like to buy lotion from Bath & Body Works, but don't like the greasy feeling afterwards.

A few things caught my eye that convinced me to try out Perfectly Posh...
  •  They are naturally based = NO parabens/sulfates/pertroleum
  • Cruelty free
  •  Nothing costs more than $25
  • They always offer buy any 5 items, get 1 free
There was a product called the Healer stick that I thought was worth a try.  The Healer Stick can be used to lighten scars.  I have plenty of those with the 4 surgeries I have had so far (this year).  I have loved what it's done with my scars so far, and I also was thrilled with how it healed my daughters badly chapped lips.

My most favorite Posh product are the Big Fat Yummy Hand Cremes.  I love that they are not greasy.  They fit in my purse or work bag perfectly, and the smell is not over powering.

I've also been happy with the cuticle creme and foot scrub that I ordered.  They offer face masks and washes, but I am very happy with what I am currently using.  I decided to do my own online Posh party in hopes that I can earn credit towards Christmas gifts for the kids teachers and others on my list :)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Fun weekend = harder Monday

This weekend our good friends came to Pennsylvania for a visit.  We met Sara & Kris when we lived in Virginia.  Sara, Kris, and Greg are all Michigan State Alumni.  (I consider myself an honorary alumni) They now live in Ohio about an hour an a half away.

They arrived just in time to watch the Michigan State football game.  Once it looked like Michigan State had a guaranteed win, Sara and I slipped away for some mom therapy....aka shopping without kiddos!  I had seen this store, Versona, open up not too far away. From a distance it looked like it would be a fun place to shop.  As soon as we walked in Sara and I knew we were in trouble.  We had an absolute blast.  We found so many cute, early-mid 30's age appropriate clothes.  The prices were pretty reasonable.  My only complaint is there was no coupon or promotion.  Dumb feedback, I know...but I'm being honest here.  They also had an large variety of infinity scarves and well priced accessories.

I convinced Sara that she had to have this..

I bought a shirt similar to this.  I paired it with a navy infinity scarf and tall brown boots.  I love that when you roll up the sleeves it has a coordinating pattern.


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  Their website does not do the store justice for sure.  I found so many cute things at the store that I can't see on their website.

I also did my first Stitch fix this week.  Although I loved all of the items I got from Stitch Fix, I returned all but 2 items.  I liked the prices I got at Versona better, so to limit my spending guilt I returned more to Stitch Fix.

We had a great time with the Wilson family, but it means that I'm more tired today at work for sure! Next week we head to Ohio to watch Michigan State play Ohio State with many of our Ohio friends.
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Friday, November 13, 2015

Getting to know me...

Naming a blog is not easy.  I just don't have that creative talent.  That being said, I named this blog Joyfully Blessed because there are days when I look at my life and am amazed at how blessed I am.  My father passed away from pancreatic cancer when I was 2, so I never had the traditional family.  For a few years it was just my mom and me, and then she remarried creating a whole new dynamic.  Today I am married to an amazing husband and I have incredible children....I'm living a life that I always wanted.

That doesn't mean my life doesn't come without challenges.  My husband and I both have type 1 diabetes.  No day is exactly the same.  Some are good, and some you wonder what the hell is going on.  I also made the decision to be genetically tested, and found out that I am BRCA 1 positive.  Who knew knowing that would turn my life upside down.  I have had 4 surgeries so far this year (1 more to go in 2015), and still more to go after.  And nothing has gone as I planned it to....go figure.  That being said....I am joyfully blessed to be Greg's wife, and Avery and Reed's mom.  And I am thankful to live another day with them.

I don't know exactly what I want this blog to be.  Possibly a sounding board for what's on my mind at this time, but always to be thankful for what I do have.  Sometimes I forget that last part.  But mainly this blog is for me, and if you enjoy reading it...then that's a bonus.